Here’s how to create your World Cup photo book

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Collecting stickers in albums is something nostalgic, practiced for many years by children and adolescents, and even adults.

Currently, the most popular album is the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, which is already a fever among soccer lovers.


The album is available for purchase in physical format, with hard and simple cover, and it is possible to buy the album already with some stickers.

In addition to the physical album, it is possible to have the digital album directly on the website of the Italian publishing group Panini, responsible for developing the World Cup album together with FIFA.

See Also:

Let’s see a little more about the World Cup Photo Book.

Qatar 2022 World Cup Photo Book

In the World Cup’s digital album, it is possible to purchase stickers daily for free, and even purchase some with extra packs.


The system also allows the exchange of repeated stickers, and adding a group of friends up to 10 people.

The user can still access the virtual album, and see, when opening a new package of cards, if he already has it or not, indicated, if not, by a star in the corner of the card.

After opening the sticker pack, five stickers will appear and, in the “My stickers” option, you can see the stickers found in the packs.

To add to the album, just drag the sticker to the album image below, then a page of the album will open, corresponding to the correct place of the sticker. Press on the plus sign (+) and voilà, your sticker was successfully added.

World Cup Digital Album Application


Besides accessing the album on the site, you can download it as an application, available for 安卓 and iOS系统. The login is the same used on Panini’s World Cup album site.

In the application, in addition to the functions presented in the web version of the album, the user can scan Coca-Cola products and purchase more digital sticker packs.

It is also possible to add promotional codes, both in the web version and in the app. The codes are found on the Coca-Cola bottle caps and on the physical stickers, you can scan the code or enter it manually.

With the codes, the user can purchase more sticker packs, called stickers in the digital albums.

In the application version, it is also possible to exchange repeated stickers with other users, and create and participate in online groups with friends and family.

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